Tubo de gres vitrificado

Vitrified clay pipes

The vitrified clay pipes is corrosion and abrasion resistant, with a large durability and important mechanic properties. It is the ideal product for sanitation, also for its major component, the clay. It becomes a 100% environmentally friendly product. With pipes, we complete a range of fittings for the correct assembly of the installation.

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Benefits of vitrified clay pipes

This type of pipe shows lots of advantages, as:

  • Chemical products resistant in industrial zones, H2S resistant in waste water bacteria, as well as every aggressive element in earth or ground water.
  • For instance, it´s also abrasion resistant, allowing more flexibility in velocity and slopes.
  • It´s roughness is very low, never get deform or damage with the cleaning equipment.
  • We should not forget that joints union are very resistant.
  • Last but not least we could say that stoneware pipes have an unlimited lifetime.

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